In early December 2020, Northeast Wilderness Trust purchased 5,400 acres as a first step in establishing the Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve. Later that month, the Wilderness Trust secured the Eagle Ledge Addition, a strategic parcel integral to knitting together one unified wild landscape. We are still fundraising to cover the costs of buying and protecting this land; you can make a difference for wildlife and their homes with a gift to the Preserve today.

The Eagle Ledge Addition not only expands Woodbury Mountain Wilderness Preserve by another 500 acres—it is a cornerstone that connects three previously disparate parcels of the Preserve to one another. Much like a puzzle piece filling an empty hole, the Eagle Ledge Addition is a critical link that ensures a comprehensive picture—one where forest blocks will stay connected and intact for generations to come, animals can travel without hindrance, and core interior habitat is further buffered from the effects of development on abutting private lands.