Our work

The Copernicus Project empowers communities to fight global warming by protecting and restoring nature. We give the people and organizations driving local land-use decisions easy-to-use tools to safeguard high-priority ecosystems in the places they live and love.

Our open-source software platform uses cutting-edge technology and advanced analytics to help our members design, implement, and track the performance of nature-based climate initiatives. We turn ordinary people with smartphones into citizen scientists, ecologists, and hands-on environmental stewards.


Nature-based climate solutions

Nature-based climate solutions are strategies that harness the power of natural ecosystems to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. These solutions often involve the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of natural systems such as forests, wetlands, grasslands, and coastal ecosystems, which can provide a range of benefits, including carbon sequestration, water regulation, soil conservation, and biodiversity protection.


Our CEO tells the story

Climate change is by far the most serious crisis humanity has ever faced. We should be doing everything in our power to stop it, but most people have no clue where to begin.

Here’s the good news: We can target interventions with near-surgical precision, then model, measure, and replicate their impact. We already know what to do, where to do it, and how to do it, using a technology proven to work for hundreds of millions of years — photosynthesis.


Climate action network

Our superpower is a community of Climate Actionists who wake up every morning striving to increase our collective impact at lightning speed by challenging each other to get smarter, learn faster, recruit more talent and innovate new solutions.