Doug Roussin

Web Development

Doug Roussin brings years of development and UX experience to the team with a focus on the nonprofit sector working with organizations such as; The Buckminster Fuller Institute, Many One Network and The Nature Conservancy. His approach is user centric design and development – focused on simplicity and clarity for the user.

Doug’s early background in fine arts, illustration and animation, lends itself to the development of innovative prototypes. Animation and motion graphics coupled with interface design bring life and a sense of the tactile to the user experience.  Employing the RAD (Rapid Application Development) principles early in the process provides a nimble path for creating new and engaging user interfaces.

On your phone? check out the current RAD development – click here!

Three Questions

1. When did you first realize you wanted to do what you do? (e.g., formative experience or discovery)

When I was a child, my mother took me and some friends to a park by a lake near our home.  I wanted to go swimming and she said no one can swim in that lake, it’s too polluted.  At that age I couldn’t comprehend a whole lake being polluted, it just seemed so contrary to what should be.

2. To learn more about you or the field you work in, what 3-5 books/resources do you recommend?

Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbake – This tends to be a love it or hate it book for learning Javascript, but there’s something for everyone at some point in their devolpment

Don’t Make Me Think by Steve Krug – The title sums up UI/UX best practices

The Animators Survival Kit by Richard Williams – A bible for the basics

3. What publications should we subscribe to? Websites, newsfeeds, pod-casts? People to follow?

Anything Wes Bos – social media, courses, articles, etc.  Just google him.  He’s a Javascript evangelist, and focused on helping people learn

Meta-Averse podcast by Noah Kravitz – great array of guests providing insights into web3

MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) – indispensable developer’s resource

Stack Overflow- if someone has had your question, it’s probably here

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“There’s re-centering that happens camping deep in nature, exposed to pristine woods and water. I want every generation to have that available.”

– Doug Roussin

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